IceCold Socks

IceCold Socks with compression straps (pair)

Size – One size fits most (slipper style)

A convenient way to apply icy cool temperature to your ankles, heels, nail beds and feet.

May be used for people affected by; 

  • Neuropathy in the feet
  • Arthritis
  • Inflammation
  • Oedema
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Menopause
  • Localised Injury
  • Swelling or soreness 

Washable and reusable. Soft and easy to wear.

The IceCold Gel Socks are intended as cold therapy for persons requiring cold or hot therapy. The socks provide a convenient, reusable cold or hot therapy for application directly to the feet, ball-of-foot, heel, toe and nail beds, as directed by your healthcare professional.

The gel remains soft and flexible even when very cold. The chilled gel pack sits beneath the length of the foot and smaller size on top of the toe area or behind the heel, depending on which treatment is needed.

Each Pack Contains:
1 pair of cold therapy socks with 2 under-foot full-length and 2 smaller heel or toe gel packs.
1 pair of compression straps

    Sale price $69.90Regular price
    Regular price $69.90
